Chapter 8 of 12
A brief history of the brand
Both started writing down their ideas to set up a business plan. They decided on the name Patta as a proud reference to Suriname, as well as its street slang undertones. With help from their girlfriends and their large community of friends, they finished their business plan, and their friend Piet Parra made them a logo. After that, they needed a bit of starting capital to rent a space, tickets to New York, and stock buying budget. So they booked meetings with banks to apply for a business loan. Unfortunately, most banks were not interested in giving them one, except for the Rabobank. The bank looked over the plan, saw potential and congratulated them, as they would be giving Edson and Gee their start-up capital. Elated, they found a three-story building on the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal and signed the lease contract. The day after the signing, the bank reached out to say that that loan didn't get approval after all. They had no start-up capital to get their business off the ground, and now, they also had rent to pay.

That night, after spending the day crying their eyes out on the floor of the building that they now couldn't afford, they were drinking their sorrows away at de Duivel. In came their good friend Dirk, a patron of the cafe, and he noticed their sad faces and hanging heads, so he asked them what happened. After the explanation, Dirk considered the situation and said that he might be able to help. His father was in the pharmaceutical industry, lived on a farm in Belgium, and he might be willing to invest in their business. So, Edson, Gee and Dirk drove to his farm the next day to show him the business plan and make a pitch. They passionately explained their objectives and how they were to go about it, after which Dirk's father pushed their business plan away without looking at it. He said that they had been such good friends of his son for ages and that they had been there for Dirk when he was going through hard times. He asked them: "How much do you need?" Edson told him the requested amount. He contemplated for a second and said: "I can give you half." Without hesitation, Edson replied: "We'll take it." And they signed a contract to pay the amount back to him, within four years with no interest.After several weeks of preparation, flying back and forth to New York on buying trips, carrying giant duffle bags filled with sneakers, the store opened to much fanfare and support from their community. The business was thriving, and Edson & Gee paid off that loan within three years.