Patta In Paris

Patta is back in the city of lights and this time, we're bringing the noise to Paris Fashion Week like we never left. Log in and lock in as we take over the airwaves with a special radio broadcast in collaboration with Converse and Oroko Radio bringing together our community of musicians and selectors for an afternoon of sounds we want you to get familiar with. With drinks provided by Hennesey, join us at our broadcast location from 16:00 to kick off your Friday night in Paris. Rain or shine, we know you won't want to miss this. When the sun sets, the real party begins! Join us at Pamela Club for a night of celebration curated by Patta. We are bringing together our community of DJs and live acts to start the year the way we mean to continue the rest of 2024. We got love for all and we want you to know that so the party is free for all. RSVP via the form below.