Yoak X Maha Eljak

Artist Maha Eljak's latest exhibition, 'A Glimpse of Us, Marhaba', is set to be a highlight of the year, brought to you by OSCAM.
After only five years away, Eljak returned to her homeland of Sudan in the summer of 2022, armed only with a notebook and a camera. She aimed to live in the moment and capture the essence of her beloved country through her own unique perspective. The result is a stunning reportage of intimate moments that are often hidden from outsiders.
As an artist, model, and creator of DIY punk zine Mahazine, Eljak draws inspiration from her Sudanese roots, the societal frustrations of everyday life, and the punk era of the 1970s. Her unconventional artistic point of view and passion for creative expression are evident in every aspect of her work.
Through her art, Eljak encourages individuals to abandon negative sensations and embrace their true selves, free from societal pressures. She believes that everyone has the right to follow their passions without the burden of responsibility to others.
'A Glimpse of Us, Marhaba' is an exhibition that invites you to experience Sudan through Eljak's eyes and explore a world that is unknown to most. With her unique artistic vision and passion for creativity, Eljak inspires us all to embrace our own individuality and make our mark on the world.